Eurovision 2022: il testo di “Lock me in” dei Circus Mircus (Georgia)

I Circus Mircus danno spazio a un pezzo di sana follia con “Lock me in”. Fuori da qualsiasi canone, come nel consueto stile della Georgia all’Eurovision, proseguono in una scia interessante: non importa nulla, l’importante è mostrare fuori dal Paese pezzi importanti della propria musica.
In questo caso, si può scegliere di essere chiusi in cinque modi: dentro, fuori, sopra, sotto o di lato. L’importante è mostrare, ora, quel che si ha.
Il testo di “Lock me in”
Testo e musica: Circus Mircus
Etichetta: Autoproduzione (distribuzione Universal Denmark)
Lingua: Inglese
Show me what you‘ve got
On the count of…
From the ground up now
Here we come as we are not
Mama said not to show what you are
Step it up now
Get it done now
Ah hey
What you‘ve got
Shoot it to the stars
To the top now
Across the moon and down
We are here till we blow up
Trying hard will not get you really far
Mix it up now
It‘s alright POW
Circus Mircus
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Right now
Right now
Right now
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Right now
Right now
Right now
Take me to the spacecraft
Take me to dance club
Lock me up
Lock me down
Lock me in
Lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up
Lock me down
Lock me in
Lock me out
Lock me sideways
Make it do it break it
I never could take it
Make it do it break it
I never could take it
Make it do it break it
I never could take it
Make it do it break it
I never could take it
Right now
Right now
Right now
Make it do it break it
I never could take it
Lock me up
Lock me down
Lock me in
Lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up
Lock me down
Lock me in
Lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up
Lock me down
Lock me in
Lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up
Lock me down
Lock me in
Lock me out
Lock me sideways.
Tutti i testi dei brani in gara in questa edizione dell’Eurovision Song Contest sono raggruppati qui.
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