Eurovision 2023: il testo di “I wrote a song” di Mae Muller (Regno Unito)

Mae Muller Eurovision 2023 Regno Unito

Mae Muller sarà padrona di casa all’Eurovision 2023 con “I wrote a song”. L’artista, selezionata internamente grazie al rinnovato accordo tra BBC e TaP Music, è in gara con un brano che si potrebbe definire come invettiva nei confronti di un ex partner.

Il compagno dell’artista la tradisce, arrivando a mentire su un viaggio per lavorare sulla propria salute mentale. Mae Muller potrebbe sfogare la sua rabbia e la frustrazione accumulata distruggendo l’auto del compagno o urlandogli contro davanti alla porta di casa sua per far vedere a tutti i suoi amici quanto sia stato crudele con lei, ma non fa nulla di ciò: preferisce invece mantenere la calma e scrivere una canzone. Spesso è proprio dal dolore che nasce l’arte.

Se per “Solo” di Blanka avevamo dubbi su chi fosse la protagonista, qui siamo sicuri che la cantautrice protagonista del brano sia proprio Mae Muller. Il brano infatti risulta autobiografico, anche se non possiamo sapere con certezza se la storia raccontata sia vera o frutto della fantasia.

Il testo di “I wrote a song”

Testo e musica: Karen Poole, Lewis Thompson e Mae Muller

Etichetta: Capitol Records

Lingua originale: Inglese

When you said you were leavin’
To work on your mental health
You didn’t mention the cheating
You kept that one to yourselfI got so mad was gonna

Cuss you out, outside your house
For everyone to see
Wanted to trash your Benz, tell all your friends
How cruel you were to me

Instead I wrote a song
‘bout how you did me wrong
I could have cried at home
And spent the night alone
Instead i wrote a song
I feel much better now
Me and my girls are out
And we all sing along

Instead I wrote a song
Instead I wrote a song

I kept my cool and composure
My mother would be so proud
I was ready for a sentence baby
Instead I wrote it all down

Oh I was gonna
Cuss you out, outside your house
For everyone to see
Wanted to trash your Benz, tell all your friends
How cruel you were to me

Instead I wrote a song
‘bout how you did me wrong
I could have cried at home
And spent the night alone
Instead i wrote a song
I feel much better now
Me and my girls are out
And we all sing along

Instead I wrote a song
Instead I wrote a song

Look into my eyes, she’s feeling good, she feels alive
So don’t you call my phone tonight, tonight, tonight
No lie, got a kick telling the world just what you did
I’m better now, I burned the bridge
Raising a glass, taking a sip.

Let’s celebrate
Dance it away
I thought my heart would break

Instead i wrote a song
‘bout how you did me wrong
I could have cried at home
And spent the night alone
Instead i wrote a song
I feel much better now
Me and my girls are out
And we all sing along

Instead I wrote a song.

Tutti i testi dei brani in gara in questa edizione dell’Eurovision Song Contest sono raggruppati qui.

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