Eurovision 2024: il testo di “Teresa & Maria” di alyona alyona e Jerry Heil (Ucraina)

A rappresentare l’Ucraina all’Eurovision 2024 in Svezia è un duo tutto al femminile composto da due campionesse di vendita, ovvero alyona alyona (Aliona Savranenko) e Jerry Heil (Yana Shemaieva).
Il brano è intitolato “Teresa & Maria” ed è un inno dedicato alle figure religiose di Madre Teresa di Calcutta e della Vergine Maria, dipinte come simboli di carità, amore e unione ma senza dimenticare che queste figure sono in ogni caso nate come semplici esseri umani (“All the divas were born as a human being”).
Si sono qualificate all’Eurovision 2024 tramite la vittoria al Vidbir, che per il secondo anno ha dovuto affrontare le forche caudine della guerra scoppiata nel 2022 tenendosi in una location segretissima e trasmesso in differita onde evitare problematiche relative alla messa in onda. Dalla pubblicazione del brano, esso è balzato in cima alle classifiche dell’Ucraina, come accade spesso da diversi anni a questa parte.
Tra gli autori del brano per l’Eurovision 2024 c’è anche Ivan Klymenko, noto produttore ucraino che si è occupato anche della produzione di “Stefania”, il brano con cui la Kalush Orchestra ha trionfato all’Eurovision 2022 a Torino.
Il testo di Teresa & Maria
Testo e musica: Aliona Savranenko, Yana Shemaieva, Ivan Klymenko, Anton Čilibi
Etichetta: Enko Music
Lingue originali: Inglese, ucraino
Probyva sobi shliakh
Shcho by shcho by ne bulo
Svit na yiyi plechakh
Zvyvysti, skeliasti
Ale znai: v tvoyiy rutsi
Tvoye vlasne shchastia
Davai, mala, palai
I’m not holy, I’m alive
Z namy Mama Tereza i Diva Maria
Bosi, niby po lezu, ishly po zemli
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as human beings
Z namy Mama Tereza i Diva Maria
Bosi, niby po lezu, ishly po zemli
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as human beings
Navit shche zmalia my shukaly shliakh
Ta zhyttia – petlia, niby dlia tykh khto padaie
Na svoikh plechakh shche male divcha
Nese z boliu chan i vbacha, shcho to vada ye
Znovu ne taka, to nadto miaka
Odiah na kistkakh, holiaka chy to pid vinets
De tvoie dytia? Shcho tvoie zhyttia?
Ta roky zh letiat! I zatiam: skoro vzhe kinets
I khai khtos khoche aby my zlamalys
Khai buva v tobi zariadu
Ne po likot, a po palets
I khai khtos khova za posmishkoiu
Nenavyst i zazdrist
Koly ty puskayesh v sertse hniv
Dobra y liubovi zamist
Ale v nebi ye sviati
Yikh nohy bachyly tsyu zemlyu, znayesh
Tviy ternystyi shliakh
Same tomu ye ne daremno
I khai bude duzhe strashno y temno
I chasom ne lehko
Ta z toboyu zavzhdy budut
Z neba sliduvaty predky
Z namy Mama Tereza i Diva Maria
Bosi, niby po lezu, ishly po zemli
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as human beings
Z namy Mama Tereza i Diva Maria
Bosi, niby po lezu, yshly po zemli
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as humаn beingѕ.
La traduzione in inglese
Carves its way
No matter what
The world is on her shoulders
Is winding and rocky
But you should know: your own happiness
Is in your hands
Come on, little girl, light up
I’m not holy, I’m alive
Mother Teresa and Diva Maria are with us
Barefoot, as if on a blade, they walked on the ground
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as human beings
Mother Teresa and Diva Maria are with us
Barefoot, as if on a blade, they walked on the ground
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as human beings
Even when we were little, we searched for a path
And life is a loop, as if for those who are falling
On her shoulders, still a young girl
She carries a burden of pain, seeing it as a flaw
Again not as she should be, or too tender
Clothes on her bones, naked or going down the aisle
Where is your child? What is your life?
But the years are flying! You should be aware: the end is near
And may someone want us to break
May there be energy in you
Not the elbow-deep, but the finger-deep
And may someone hide hatred
And envy behind a smile
When you let anger into your heart
Instead of kindness and love
But there are saints in the sky
Their feet have seen this earth, you know
That’s why your thorny
Path is not in vain
And though it may be very scary and dark
And sometimes not easy
But you’ll always have your ancestors
Following you from heaven
Mother Teresa and Diva Maria are with us
Barefoot, as if on a blade, they walked on the ground
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as human beings
Mother Teresa and Diva Maria are with us
Barefoot, as if on a blade, they walked on the ground
With us mama Teresa, Diva Maria
All the Divas were born as humаn beingѕ.
Tutti i testi dei brani in gara in questa edizione dell’Eurovision Song Contest sono raggruppati qui.
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